Hi, friends. Remember when I said I was going to be around these parts more? I was a little overambitious about that, I guess – which is to say I was clearly 100% wrong, as it’s now nearly 7 months after my last post where I said that was a thing that was going to happen. I’ve been working on trying to figure out what I want this site to be: in a way that is so very me, instead of writing the words and editing the pictures and doing the thing, I’ve been instead making lists within lists within lists of how to break down categories and tags and make things coherent in anticipation of eventually writing more words in this space.
I’ve been feeling, truly, like I’m in a space where I want to be creative again, where I want to document things the way that I used to do. I’ve slowly been continuing to knit the hat I started over 2.5 years ago, and it’s going moderately well, if glacially slow. I took a whole bunch of pictures when we recently went on vacation with some friends. I’ve read 5 books this year already (A is for Alibi, B is for Burglar, All Over the Place, Meet the Frugalwoods, and A Year of Less), which is on the one hand not great but on the other hand, and very embarrassingly, more books than I read all of last year. T and I have been watching Chef’s Table on Netflix. I got over the weird fear I had of our KitchenAid stand mixer (a ridiculous thing that is true: I had never actually seen one in use – let alone used one – outside of food shows on TV) and have now successfully made chocolate chip cookies after being led very astray by the terrible recipe in the Joy of Cooking.
The 100 Day Project begins on Instagram April 3rd, and while I don’t have a clear idea if I’ll stick to an Instagram thing this year (last year I tried, and failed, at doing 100 days of watercolor plants), but I’m determined to use it as motivation, broadly, to get back into actually doing things that are creative, instead of just thinking and talking about how I want to do more things that are creative.
So, yes. Hi. I’m glad to be back in this space. Happy April, friends.