just do the thing: a modified 100 day project

// Friday, May 1, 2020

So I missed the real beginning of the 100 day project. Which is to say that I didn’t miss it at all, but did it exactly the same as I have the last couple of years: I realized it was starting, I had no plan, and so I made a half-assed attempt at coming up with a goal, like “write in a notebook for 100 days” or something, and then, to no one’s surprise at all (read: me. this was not a shared project), I didn’t, you know, do the thing. Because I didn’t have a concrete plan, or really any sort of motivation, because we’re in these weird pandemic times and I’ve got a lot of existential questioning that happens on a regular basis.

But now it’s May 1st. It’s a new month, where it’s a fresh start but everything still feels like the worst kind of groundhog day. But I am inspired to at least try to do the thing. And especially because I’ve realized the Jetpack email thing isn’t working, so no one knows I’ve actually “reactivated” this, so to speak, and I am accountable to the internet as a whole and to me, but only I know that, I have some hope. Because it’s my pressure, not perceived pressure of others.

I don’t have a plan for content, or a theme, or any of that. But for the next 100 days, I am going to write in this space, or just post – maybe pictures, I’m not sure – but definitely words. There will be words here, and I am going to do the thing.

Because I haven’t a fucking clue what 2020 is, but I think, looking back, I might want it documented in some way.

Also, I am going to figure out this block editor. And why Jetpack only kind of works. And also – some of my older posts might reappear. I think there are some – I know there is at least one – that I want to exist visibly on this site. So here’s to that.

Hope all of you who read this are staying healthy and safe to the best of of your abilities.

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