
// Tuesday, June 16, 2020

lol the 100 days project, that was a thing that did not happen. but i have started journaling more consistently, and i have done some yoga, and i sewed a tote bag. and we’re so many states of global and national crisis. so, you know, adjusted goals or whatever.

will i write more words on here? will i post regularly? is this just a post to see if Automatic was finally able to fix my weird blog title email issue?

anyone’s guess, except that it isn’t. times have gotten real fucking weird, and are lots of juxtapositions all the time always, since i last posted on here. i still don’t know what this site is, or is meant to be. i still want to write. i will probably still attempt every so often to figure out a way to write on here consistently, because i miss writing words on the internet, doing the thing and shouting into the void, or whatever, since that has always been the way that i am with this sort of thing, where it’s technically for an audience but also not for an audience because it’s just me, being me, typing and submitting and doing the thing without editing because i like how my my typing voice is when i don’t overthink it too much.

over the last few weeks, i have been reading, and engaging, and learning, constantly learning, and fighting against my own defensiveness to figure out what’s underneath that. and i have bene donating, because there are many ways to do a thing and donating is one of those ways and it is important. black lives matter. black trans lives matter. black queer lives matter. i am so happy about the supreme court decision that the civil rights law protects LGBTQ+ workers.

donate. vote. protest if that makes sense for your situation. read. learn. do the thing. (i know four people read this. i know you all know all of the things. but i just want to make sure that i have written those words here, in this space, because it is important to do the work AND acknowledge that it is important to do the work.)

more soon.

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