today, in things that make me feel old: i do not understand this blog editor and also, i may have fucked up my theme slightly. (what are blocks? if i add a photo will it look stupid, or will it work? do i need to resize my photo before i upload it? is the internet smart enough now that it won’t matter? why is my sidebar font big by default relative to my post text? what did i do when i coded this child theme 5+ years ago??? why do i only remember what pixel-sized fonts mean and have no lingering knowledge about what 1.5rem means?)
which is to say: hi. i do not know what i will write here. i do not know how often i will be here, and i don’t have a plan to have a plan for this space, other than i want to be in it more often than i have been the last few years. I like that this is a domain I own. I bought ~fancy business cards~ from Rifle Paper Co. because I wanted to remind myself that I am a person who writes; I am a writer; I like typography and nice layouts and while my layout is currently questionable (yes, i am essentially right now acting as if this is LJ in 2004, deal), I want to have a spot that is mine on the internet. I feel like I should clarify that nothing about this is or will be a business; I just got the cards because I wanted them, and have wanted them for a long time. And also because I am old now, I got suckered in by a sale.

since i last wrote in this space, i’ve gotten married and moved cross-country back to the east coast. it has been wonderful, and weird, and somehow it is still a pandemic even though in may of 2020 it was still easy for me here in this space and out of this space to think that by now, in february of 2022, we’d be back to “normal” which now feels kind of laughably naive.
i don’t know what this year will bring, but i’ve read 27 books so far and i’ve cut out a sewing pattern and i’ve started 2 hats. ideally i all also cut fabric and finish two hats, but: i am trying to remember that it is worth counting the small things as well. not everything needs to be about only finished things.
so with that: i need a screen break. hi. welcome. here’s to doing the thing, whatever that means.